This dynamic and thought-provoking series of digital art pieces showcases Winkelmann's innovative style and unique perspective on a variety of topics.

One standout piece in the collection is titled "Hey," featuring a larger-than-life figure standing triumphantly atop a Jeff Koons balloon dog. The piece suggests a nod to Beeples' own entrance into the traditional art world, which has often been met with skepticism and pushback from more established art institutions. The use of the balloon dog, a quintessential piece of contemporary art, adds another layer of meaning to the work, highlighting the sometimes contentious relationship between new and old schools of art.

Another striking piece in the collection is "Biological Collectable," which features a lone tree being showcased around the world as if it were a rare and precious collectible item. The piece serves as a poignant commentary on the state of our environment and the urgency of protecting our natural world. Winkelmann's use of bright colors and bold lines creates a sense of both urgency and hope, urging viewers to take action to preserve the beauty and diversity of our planet.

Overall, the "Spring Collection" showcases Mike Winkelmann's unique blend of technical skill, creativity, and social commentary. His pieces offer a fresh and compelling perspective on a variety of topics, from the state of the art world to the pressing environmental issues of our time. As digital art continues to gain traction in the mainstream, Winkelmann's work stands out as a powerful and thought-provoking addition to the conversation.


Uncertain Future


The First Drop