"The First Drop" was a groundbreaking release that helped to establish Mike Winkelmann as a major player in the world of crypto art. Each piece offered a unique and thought-provoking perspective on contemporary society, and the release as a whole challenged viewers to think deeply about the issues facing the world today.

"Crypto is Bullshit" is a striking piece that features a neon green bull, a symbol commonly associated with the stock market, with the word "crypto" in bold letters underneath. The artwork seems to comment on the rise of cryptocurrencies and the speculative nature of their markets, which some critics have called a bubble waiting to burst.

"Crossroads" is a more abstract piece that features a dark, textured background with a bright, glowing center. The image appears to be a visual representation of a decision point or a moment of choice, with the viewer standing at the crossroads of two paths.

Finally, "Politics is Bullshit" is another politically charged artwork, with a bold red and blue color scheme and the words "politics" and "bullshit" in capital letters. The piece seems to comment on the divisive and often disheartening nature of modern politics.



Spring Collection