The Jack Hanley Gallery in New York City recently hosted an exhibition entitled "Uncertain Future" by the renowned digital artist Beeple, also known as Mike Winkelmann. This was Beeple's first solo exhibition with the gallery, and it was an unforgettable display of his artistic prowess.

Beeple is known for his groundbreaking work in digital art, having introduced NFTs to the mainstream through his "Everydays" project, a collection of drawings and renderings created and posted online every day for over fourteen years. With "Uncertain Future," Beeple's works expanded from the digital realm into the physical space, featuring prints of his digital renderings, drawings, and paintings.

The exhibition offered visitors a chance to immerse themselves in Beeple's imaginative universe, with works that explored themes of technology, politics, and the environment. The centerpiece of the exhibition was a striking series of large-scale digital prints that captured Beeple's signature style, with vibrant colors, intricate details, and thought-provoking imagery.

In addition to the digital prints, Beeple's exhibition featured a selection of drawings and paintings that showcased his versatility as an artist. These pieces displayed a rawness and depth of emotion that belied their digital origins, highlighting Beeple's skill as a traditional artist as well.

Overall, "Uncertain Future" was a stunning showcase of Beeple's talent and creativity, offering a glimpse into a world where technology and art intersect in unexpected and exciting ways. The exhibition was a testament to the power of digital art and its ability to transcend boundaries and connect with audiences on a visceral level.

The artist states:

This show hopes to spur a dialogue about the outsized role of big tech companies in our lives and how that *might* play out in the future. As we continue to be complicit through the use of these services, these companies and their founders have an increasing impact on many aspects of how our society will look in the future. The science-fiction themes found in these works are presented in a tongue-in-cheek way but also meant to shine a light on real trends that are occurring today. As technological advances in disparate sectors of the economy combine this will have a multiplying effect and the seemingly bizarre, unintended consequences of technology will become an ever-increasing factor in modern life.

TLDR; things are gonna get weird. - Beeple





Spring Collection