"You" is a profoundly moving collaborative masterpiece that delves into the profound human experience of holding on to objects left behind from past relationships. At its core, this evocative work encapsulates the poignant notion that we often attach deep personal significance to seemingly mundane details, forging an unbreakable bond between our life experiences and these tiny fragments of our past. Much like cherished mementos, these objects become tangible proof of the love, joy, and memories that once colored our lives.
This captivating creation by Grammy award-winning musician RAC and award-winning digital art pioneer Andres Reisinger resonates with the universal sentiment of how challenging it can be to let go when something holds a piece of our heart. "You" captures the essence of these emotionally charged moments when we find ourselves clinging to the remnants of bygone relationships, grappling with the intersection of nostalgia and the need to move forward. As you immerse yourself in this multidisciplinary masterpiece, you'll witness the profound synergy of music and visual art, a testament to the boundless possibilities of creative collaboration in the digital age.
“The Room”
“The room where all these memories collide.”
Minted Mar 26, 2021
“"YOU" at it's core is about the objects that keep a distant memory alive.”
Minted Mar 26, 2021
“the postcard when you were apart. featuring a new poem by Arch Hades.”
“that one mixtape”
“that one trip to japan”
“their chewed up pen”
“that one polaroid”
“their favorite glass”
“their fav keychain”
“that great day on the beach”