The show opens with Refik Anadol’s (Turkey, 1985) new site-specific installation for Palazzo Strozzi’s courtyard, a reimagination of the interaction between digital and physical architecture through a hypnotic, holistic experience. Artificial intelligence algorithms produce illusionistic visions that challenge one’s understanding of reality in his work. The show continues in the ‘Strozzina,’ a Renaissance palace dedicated to contemporary art in the heart of Florence, where each of the Strozzina rooms include a succession of immersive works and installations made by the participating artists.

The exhibition features works by Beeple (Mike Winkelmann, USA, 1981) and his works that fuse politics and pop culture with references to today’s dystopic or post-apocalyptic day-to-day life; Daniel Arsham (USA, 1980), whose work creates time loops in which the material and immaterial nature of his creations collide in a never-ending process of transformation and destruction in perpetual motion; and Krista Kim (United Kingdom, Canada), whose distinctive minimalist style invites viewers to enter a world of impossible reflections and geometries, an immersive space made up of images.

Other artists in the exhibition include Andrés Reisinger, who presents Arcadia – a project he created with poetess Arch Hades and composer RAC in which poetry, sound, and image merge in a meditative experience that prompts us to reflect on our daily routines and how we use social media – and Anyma (Matteo Millari and Alessio De Vecchi, Italy), a collective that experiments with its work and live concerts at the point of their intersection, the site-specific physical and visual landscape a enrichment in one of the Strozzina’s rooms.

The exhibition, co-curated by Arturo Galansino (Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Director General) and Serena Tabacchi (Director MoCDA, Museum of Contemporary Digital Art).

May 18, 2022 - July 31, 2022

Palazzo Strozzi

Piazza degli Strozzi, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy