Minne Atairu
Minne Atairu is a researcher and artist who studies the impact of colonialism on West African art. In her project Igùn, she uses artificial intelligence in a new context: to re-imagine a past that has been stolen. She explores the “artistic absence” in the Kingdom of Benin between 1897 and 1914, during the British invasion, when the production of bronze objects was confiscated and exported. Atairu uses AI, AR and 3D printing to recreate this lost cultural environment with bronze heads, vessels, altars, texts, poems and so on. In doing so, she uses the data sets of the stolen objects and develops different narratives, including marginal and negated narratives outside the official royal circles. What emerges is a statistically predicted past that is thus induced and somehow also imaginary, but generated in a dynamic present where it can trigger awareness and acts of reparation.