
Hackatao is the captivating union of two distinct artistic souls, Hack and TAO, brought together by fate in Milan in 2007. Their artistic journey began with "Podmorks," a series of totemic creatures that symbolized the genesis of their collaborative exploration. These ceramic sculptures adorned with intricate drawings and acrylics served as love's messengers, sparking a creative journey marked by experimentation, alchemy, and unwavering dedication to art.

What emerged from this creative partnership is a visually striking and instantly recognizable artistic style. With vivid pop figures and crisp lines that create a visual "cage," Hackatao explores a rich tapestry of themes—society, environment, humanity, and technology, all interwoven with references to art history, symbolism, psychology, and gaming. Their art serves as a testament to the enduring power of creativity and collaboration, with Hackatao continuing to push the boundaries of art and technology in the ever-evolving landscape of digital artistry.